Statically Compiled Blog in PHP

First because a static version:

Because static versions are portable, can be hosted for free in various places, and still allow distribution via IPFS or Hipercore. In short, it is the definitive version of a personal website. I am thinking of using as a base the simple-template-engine or maybe the lightweight template engine Although it has not been updated for 10 years, it seems to align well with my idea. In fact, I am strongly considering simply making a PHP version of bashblog, so, we are doing well so far.

The accepted types will be:

  1. Note: a short text* without an image
  2. Image: one or more photos followed by a short text*.
  3. Article: Long text, with or without photos in the text.
  4. Response: Text of any size about another publication.
  5. Bookmarks: Only the link to another publication, without comments
  6. Likes: An approval of another publication.
  7. Readings: Reading notes of a book
  8. Reposts: Reposting the total or partial content of another site with references
  9. Confirmations: Confirmations of attendance at events
  10. Thoughts: Posts made from the wiki of conclusive or inconclusive thoughts
  11. Diaries: Short texts about how the day went
  • Short text: up to 480 characters (arbitrary concept given by me)

{ /* examples */ }

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