
@lisianefreitasoficial trying to convince me that I am beautiful. No filter. Nor solar.

June Festival in Águas Mornas last Saturday. Wonderful event. More photos to come!

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About yesterday… Yes, I prefer to make comments the day after because that way I can be a little (very little) less emotional. But yesterday we had the Trans Dialogues event, proposed by @comissaodtohomoafetivogenoabsc and held with the blessing of @oabsantacatarina at the plenary of its headquarters. The goal was for recognized trans personalities to share their experiences within a society that still segregates us so much due to prejudice and ignorance. What impresses me the most when these ideas are exchanged is realizing how diverse and unique our experiences are. The existence of these spaces is extremely important, especially in a democracy. A just society is a diverse society. And when we talk about diversity, we are not only talking about gender identity and sexual orientation, but also about neurodivergences, body shapes, disabilities, religions, skin tones, in short, this myriad of unique individuals that make up our people. I thank my colleagues at the table @selma.light, @lirouskyo, @teodorobergmann.adv, Lino Gabriel and especially @hubertpsi, the creator of AmbulaTrans in São José, who, as I like to reference, was the first place where I was welcomed as myself. I also thank the wonderful @margarethhernandes for the invitation and organization of the event. Thank you. It was wonderful. I can’t wait for the next one.

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On International LGBTQIAPN+ Pride Day, it is only fair to show pride, don’t you think?

I continue to exist and resist, full and happy, loving and being loved. Without a doubt, it is the best moment of my life.

And may even better days come for all of us.

P.s. I know it’s already the 29th, but I’ve been running around all day and couldn’t post earlier. 😬

P.p.s. Long live Marsha Johnson!

P.p.p.s. 🦄🦄🦄🦄 (just an opportunity to post unicorns, which I love)

#Pride #LGBT #lgbtq #lgbtq🌈 #travesti #trans #militarypolice #pmsc #pm

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About yesterday… Premiere of the documentary film @oarmarionaoeonossolugar directed by the wonderful and unquestionable @alexsandrostenico at @universidadeufsc promoted by @secarte.ufsc And what to say about the film? If I was already full of expectations just from the trailer, I can’t even describe the emotion of watching the complete film. Everything was very well done, with care and attention to detail. The soundtrack is a spectacle in itself. Afterwards, we had a discussion about the subject with the indisputable sociologist @marianafrancosc, the irrefutable lawyer @sartoti (whom I discovered is my contemporary from the Law course at @universidadeufsc), the irreproachable and our eternal councilor @camasao50, and of course, myself (and yes, I’m loving playing with adjectives, hopefully they catch on). I loved having the opportunity to share my coming out experience and at the same time listen to the always very diverse experiences of my colleagues. I highlight the moment of the very relevant questions from the participants, discussing the community’s self-criticism. And also, with great pride, the million-dollar question proposed by @lisianefreitasoficial about ways to maintain the rights already acquired, considering the setbacks and attacks we see happening in other countries. I can only express my gratitude!

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Yesterday there was popcorn, roasted pine nuts, and paçoca! Imagine if I wasn’t happy.

#festajunina #sitio

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About yesterday…

Of course, I am still thrilled. And with that 32-tooth smile (even though I only have 28, didn’t gain wisdom, buuut that’s beside the point), those smiles that don’t fade even with plastic surgery or botox. I can say, with all certainty, that the ceremony was another dream come true. But being married to @lisianefreitasoficial surpasses any dream. Not even in my most fanciful and delirious moment could I imagine finding someone who could, at the same time, be so similar and complement me so much in our differences. And even at the risk of sounding cheesy (which I never denied being!) I say that @lisianefreitasoficial makes my days better. And along with my days, she also makes me a better person. May we be like this for the rest of our days, and may they not be few. I can only think that it was for this moment that all my decisions converged and that everything, absolutely everything, was worth it just to be here and now.

I love you, wife!

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It’s tomorrow! Valentine’s Day. Chosen date to formalize our already blessed relationship. We have been together for over 6 years, and a post is not enough to even begin to describe our experiences and everything we have been through together. But I can say it’s a beautiful story of mutual support, discoveries, overcoming challenges, and above all, a lot of love, in the best romantic sense of the word. Amidst our cuteness that has made those around us vomit rainbows from the beginning, there is also a complicity and a connection that seems to go beyond this life. This connection marked on our skin from the early days (I’m talking about the couple tattoo, before you misunderstand me 😜) always makes us say, as an allegory, of course, that we had known each other for 7 years before we met. I can say that I am happy. Very happy. Extremely happy. I am very proud to have @lisianefreitasoficial by my side. I am proud that we are engaged and that tomorrow we will be each other’s wives. I will finally be the immensely joyful Mrs. Freitas. Tomorrow, I will be the happiest person in the world, and I am sure @lisianefreitasoficial will be too.

I love you @lisianefreitasoficial. And I will shout it from the rooftops. The birds won’t mind. They might even join in the chorus.

Photography performed by the wonderful @caiocezar

#Wedding #Pride #Wedding #Pride #Lgbt

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I’m feeling super represented!

Just another random thing that comes up for me.

#trans #travesti #games

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Little transgender joys! The stamp with the right name has arrived. I can’t even describe how good it is to see my name, the one I chose, the name that represents me written out there.

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Lumen Professions Series: Military Police From afar, the profession to which I dedicated the most time. And also the one that provided me with the most opportunities. I’ve had my rough moments, but today I can say that I am proud of who I am and where I am.

#police #militarypolice #transgender #trans

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